Portion 49 – 1 Corinthians 9:4-18

Submitted by: Minister M. Smith

Related Scripture: Romans 3:24, 2 Corinthians 1:20, 2 Corinthians 5:20 & Galatians 5

Living in a world where people are trained and encouraged to fight for their rights, to stand-up for themselves and protest their cause, we could easily assume that the Apostle Paul is doing the same. However, that is not the case. In this passage of scripture Paul is giving us a sobering look at the operation of the Kingdom of G-d. He is teaching us that while the Kingdom of G-d does provide for our individual rights, these rights are not the focus. The focus of the Kingdom of G-d is the maintenance of righteousness among the community of Believers. The Lord desires for each of us to experience heaven on earth by upholding the rights giving to everyone upon salvation in Yeshua (Romans 3:24); the right to be free, to be provided for, to be treated justly and to walk in righteousness. This righteousness is the tangible presence of the Kingdom of G-d. It is manifest in the fruitfulness of our lives individually and collectively. It allows our community to be sanctified, unified, and full of Shalom. YHVH’s instructions for individual rights ensure that the whole Body of Yeshua continues to dwell in righteousness.

This scripture also teaches us that even though we have been given the physical Torah to ensure our rights, the spirit of the Torah goes beyond our physical needs. Paul reminds us that our provision is not of this world.Just as the Priest received their portion from serving in the temple, we as the royal priesthood also receive our portion from serving the Kingdom of G-d. Yeshua is our portion and our livelihood is in Him. We do not have to demand our rights from Yeshua because through Him all of G-d’s promises are yes and amen (2 Corinthians 1:20). When we willingly move beyond the appetites of the flesh and begin to be satisfied with the food of the spirit, we will learn to be content in every circumstance (Philippians 4:11), no longer frustrated and tormented by our physical needs.

Those who are maturing in Yeshua are no longer fighting for their rights, but striving to further the Gospel. As Paul said in Galatians 5, “Yeshua freed us for freedom.” This freedom allows us to be free from the legalistic perversion of the Torah, freeing us to share the Gospel without recognition or compensation. This freedom allows us to endure all sorts of hardship and unfair treatment in order to allow others to partake of the salvation found in Yeshua. When we whole-heartedly surrender our rights to Yeshua, then we will be true ambassadors of Messiah. (2 Corinthians 5:20)

Three Summary Points

The focus of the Kingdom of G-d is not individual rights, but the maintenance of righteousness in the community of Believers.

Yeshua is our portion; our livelihood is in Him.

Those who are maturing in Yeshua are no longer fighting for their rights, but striving to further the Gospel.

The promises of the Lord are favorable to all who chose to cling to Him and follow His ways. His plans are perfect and true and He will be sure to do all that he said he would. Let us not only trust in what our eyes see however trust with a heart of G-d and he will show you “greater things” just as he promised the disciples.

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